At my wits end with dogs - August 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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At my wits end with dogs - August 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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I feel terrible, need help/suggestions….I am 35 weeks pregnant with our second child. We have a three year old, baby on the way, and two elderly small dogs. I have felt like this since our daughter was born, but the dogs are just way too much! We live in a two bedroom carpeted apartment unit. They need constant walks and attention because of their age. They have to go out every few hours or else they will pee, poop, throw up everywhere. I am a SAHM and to take them out I obviously have to bring my daughter and it just feels like so much and adding on a new baby I can not imagine. I honestly don’t know what to do and am so sick of cleaning up dog pee, poop, throw up! Even tho we clean it up with a carpet cleaner, It also feels so unsanitary!

We have tried dog walkers and its very pricey, we have tried diapers they don’t completely work, family is not able to take them, and my husband tries to help as much as possible but works so much and is not able to bring them with him. As they just peed on the carpet again, I am at my wits end. I just am not able to deal with this right now, and it's just going to get more busy and difficult once the baby comes. I feel terrible, but feel like I need to try to find them a nice foster home with a yard. Does anyone feel this way, experiencing the same thing, have suggestions?

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Have you tried litter box training them? I understand the pain - I have a geriatric cat in kidney failure and elderly pets can be a challenge. I also have a puppy who will pee out of anxiety/spite (just replaced my area rug). However, as much as I do understand I just can’t fathom getting rid of elderly pets. It’s like having another kid I know but it’s so unfair to them. Hoping you can do pee pads or litter box since they are small? Good luck!!

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thank you!

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At my wits end with dogs - August 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (20)


I know people are judgey but I would try to rehome them. I couldn’t imagine juggling two house dogs in an apartment with a toddler and a NB!

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I had to rehome our 2 dogs after I had my first baby. They literally ruined my mental health. It was so terrible. All I did was scream at them to shut up all day.

They ended up with the loveliest retired woman who has so much time to give them and they deserved that. And we stayed in touch so we get updates and when she travels the dogs come and stay with us for a few days. People will never understand until they are in this situation

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we had an outside dog when our first was born and that was a lot! Once you have your own children they take priority. The dog has since passed, he was a good dog but it was still more to juggle than expected! My husband and I have both agreed we aren’t getting another pet until the kids are big enough to help out lol.

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We rehomed both our small dogs after our baby was born so no judgement here. It was with family so I had absolutely zero guilt. But our old yorkie (14) was snapping/biting at the baby constantly and I would have rehomed him to literally anyone who would take him because I felt so unsafe with him around my daughter. Sorry you’re going through this- it’s a very polarizing topic but I truly believe your children and your mental health (this involves a clean and safe home!) matters most.

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thank you very much!

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At my wits end with dogs - August 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (58)


Train them to use a special box inside for toileting and use baby gates to keep them restricted to areas of the house that are easy to clean and where baby isn’t. Try some enrichment activities; they may be calmer and may not need as many walks. Just google or search on YouTube for canine enrichment. Even just giving them breakfast in a frozen kong would tire them out and give them something engaging to do that also keeps them occupied while you’re busy.

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I completely understand what you are going through. We had an amazing poodle that was a year old when I got pregnant. Hubby decided we needed to rehome him asap. I was apprehensive…until I got further along in pregnancy and realized caring for him was too much. He was house trained but still very needy and attention seeking. We had to remove the carpet and install new floors because he threw up, defecated, and peed all over the carpets when we first got him and I didn’t feel comfortable having a baby playing on the floors. We finally found him a new home 2 weeks ago and although we cried and grieved for a few days I feel like a huge burden has been lifted. Not having to go out in the heat, wait for him to finally find the perfect spot to pee and poop, and listen to him whine when we immediately go back in the house is such a relief. I would suggest finding a rescue for your dogs or someone who does long term fostering. Don’t feel bad for feeling the way you do.

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thank you so much!!!

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same boat! mine is a 2.5 year old genetic mess (poodle mixed with a co*cker spaniel) he has extreme anxiety and we've never been able to pet him without him peeing himself since he was a puppy. so only interactions I get are if we are outside or if I'm throwing the ball for him inside. I hate him 😅 but my 20m old adores the guy and he's very obedient and loves her to pieces, so alas he stays. I've place trained him, so when I've had enough of his anxiety BS I just tell him to " go to your spot" which is his cozy dog bed that's still in the same room. but when I'm in my 3rd trimester just like last time...I hate his fricken guts. then he plays with my kid and I start to love him again 😆 despite his cruddy mental health. it's a work in progress with the vets.

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thank you so much!

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You are totally not alone or judged. We had a Maltese that was our first pup together as a couple that I absolutely loved, but when our first was born, for some reason we never did figure out, our pups entire temperament changed. She began barking and peeing none stop. I took her to the vet and to a trainer and nothing worked. We eventually had to surrender her. She was rehomed to an older couple with no other pets or kids in the home and she was back to her normal self. Sometimes it doesn’t work out and the choice you have to make right now is difficult, but your peace of mind and sanitary living is the most important thing for you and baby right now.

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thank you so much!

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At my wits end with dogs - August 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (101)


Get an X-pen and put puppy pads down that way they’re contained and they can go on the pads if you’re not around to get them out. Also you can buy a plastic table cloth ( I like the ones that are a little thicker and have the felt on the bottom side rather than the cheap thin ones) and put that down first then put the pee pads down just in case they move the pee pad it won’t get on the carpet.

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yes we could try a pen… only thing is one of them will bark and whine non stop if they are contained in a room. I can definitely try tho! Have not done that yet, we have only put diapers on them and closed the door to a room if we are leaving the house.

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I think putting them in a room and shutting the door might cause them to bark because they know you’re there but they can’t see you. Of course depending on your home I would keep them in an area where they’re still apart of the fam and can see what’s happening but in their own space. Also maybe deal with the barking for however long and try not to give in so they can learn this is where you’re staying and barking won’t work. Like don’t pick them up and coddle them when they bark. They’ll settle down. I had to do this with my oldest dog bc she lost her sight and her hearing was going too and I was afraid she’d hurt herself and she would also pee wherever she wanted and I was starting to get so annoyed bc it was always on a rug. It really helped my sanity and it kept her safe

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I wouldn't care what people think, they don't live with you. if removing them will be better for you and your family, then do it

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thank you so much!

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Washable puppy pads are a god send

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At my wits end with dogs - August 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)


What time of year are most dogs born? ›

This means that spring, summer and autumn are the times of year when the majority of litters are born – generally being spring and summer. Winter litters are rather rarer, and every year, more pups are born in spring and summer than at other times of the year.

What is the timeline of dog birth? ›

There are three stages of dog labor. Contractions in the first stage can last 6-12 hours. Puppies are usually born 45-60 minutes apart, but the mother dog may take a break of up to four hours between puppies. The first stage is defined as cervix relaxation and the start of intermittent contractions.

What day is a dog most likely to give birth? ›

Most dogs whelp 62-64 days after ovulation date, not date of breeding.

Which month do dogs give birth? ›

– A dog pregnancy can vary between 56 – 70 days. Typically, puppies should arrive about 63 days (just over 2 months) after conception. Are there any tell-tale dog pregnancy symptoms? – Like humans, some dogs can suffer from 'morning sickness' and will vomit in the early stages of pregnancy.

How do dogs act when labor is near? ›

After the temperature drop, stage I labor begins, characterized by restlessness and anxiety. You may notice panting, pacing, refusal of food and maybe vomiting. Nesting behavior begins. This is the time to place her in the whelping box (hopefully she is already accustomed to the box).

When should I expect my dog to give birth? ›

It's important that you know roughly when your dog is due to give birth so you can fully prepare and monitor her even more closely around her due date. Dogs are usually pregnant for around 63 days (but this can range from 57-71 days).

What is the order of birth for dogs? ›

It is common for two fetuses to be delivered, followed by two placentas, because of the tendency for each successive fetus to be delivered from alternate uterine horns. Head-first and tail-first presentations of birthing puppies are normal as long as all legs are extended straight.

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Most dog owners and dog sitters agree that spring or summer are the optimal seasons for adding a four-legged friend to your family.

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In nature, babies are born in the spring because the weather is mild, days get longer and resources are plentiful for mother and baby. To produce quality milk for babies to nurse, mother mammals need better food, which is provided in the form of fresh green grass in the pasture in spring and early summer.

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But I am saying, while bringing your puppy home in the summer is the most popular time for puppy buyers, it does come with some downsides and there is great benefit to getting your puppy in the fall or winter that many people overlook.

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A female dog's heat cycle, also called estrus, is the time when her body is ready to reproduce. Most dogs begin coming into heat between 6 and 12 months (earlier for small breeds, later for larger breeds) and typically have a heat twice yearly.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.